John Pitman Weber


Co-Founder of CPAG, over 40 public pieces in five countries, murals and sculpture. Also widely exhibited painting and printmaking. Documenter, writer on public art as well.

The Chicago Public Art Group has been the big project of my professional life. CPAG (begun as Chicago Mural Group) has been my home base and the center of my work, my thinking, my connection to community and to the community of artists. I was one of the first non-Black artists inspired by the Wall of Respect, to lead a community-based mural. Since then, I have led murals and public art workshops in several other states, led public work in France, Spain and led workshops in a few other countries.

Bill Walker was the key figure (to my mind) in the seminal Wall of Respect project, 1967. Together, we co-founded the Chicago Mural Group in 1970. The group rapidly expanded, keeping pace with the national and international expansion of community public art. We were in communication with artists in dozens of US cities and other countries. We learned from others, first trying cement relief and cement sculpture inspired by our Scottish colleagues, then rapidly adopting various styles of mosaics from 1980 onward. Although Walker had withdrawn from membership in the mid 70’s, he remained in touch until his death. I stepped back from administration and increasingly from leadership following 1981. I continued to co-lead public art projects through 2015. I continue to support and assist my fellow community public artists in various ways, while doing relief printing and painting in my studio.